In episode 215 of #ThisOldMarketing, Joe and Robert discuss Twitter’s decision to ban “state-run” media and how this will, effectively, lead to a huge change in how content is published on social media. Social media sites, like Facebook and YouTube, know their biggest liability is the created content on their platform. We are just now seeing the beginning days of the end of social media as we know it. In other news, Tumblr sells for $3 million (down from $1.1 billion), marketing research shows that marketers think pretty highly of themselves, and Amazon’s publishing juggernaut is even bigger than you think. In rants and raves, Joe discovers that
“fake news” is rampant in Amazon’s books and nobody knows it, while Robert reviews an article that takes #ThisOldMarketing episode 214 to task on brands buying newspapers and the death of journalism. —— Subscribe to PNR: This Old Marketing at iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Spotify or wherever you listen to fine podcasts. Subscribe to Joe Pulizzi’s Random Newsletter at Follow Joe @JoePulizzi. Subscribe to Robert Rose’s newsletter at The Content Advisory. Follow Robert @Robert_Rose. —— This episode is sponsored by Content Marketing World. Use code PNR19 to save $100.