Kathleen King was 11 years old when she started baking cookies to sell at her family’s farm stand on Long Island. After college, she opened a small bake shop, and eventually started selling her cookies to gourmet grocery stores in Manhattan.
But after twenty years of running a small business, she wanted more time for herself. She brought in two partners to grow sales, but the partnership was a disaster – and after bitter lawsuits, Kathleen was forced to start over from scratch.
18 years later, Tate’s Bake Shop – the second cookie brand that she built out of the crumbs of the first – sold for $500 million.
How You Built That: Canned Goods:
Thomas Althaus made his wife a bracelet and earrings out of a tin can for their tenth wedding anniversary. What began as a lighthearted gift became Canned Goods—a recycled jewelry company that donates one can of food to charity for each piece sold.